
Fuel Polishing Systems



Fuel Polishing Systems remove water and particulates from diesel fuel which is stored for the medium to long term.

Over time, stored fuel for back up generators or on boats degrades and becomes infected with water from condensation. This leads to bacteria (fuel bug) developing, thus resulting in higher fuel consumption, damage to engine parts and potentially engine failure.

WASP PFS Ltd are the market leaders in fuel polishing systems with over 35 years experience and ISO 9001:2015 certification. Diesel cleaning machines can be custom built to your requirements and either be portable or static, complete with a colour touchscreen to programme cleaning of one or more different fuel tanks at regular intervals.

Benefits of fuel cleaning

  • Reduces the risk of losing power during a crisis
  • Improve continuity, efficiency and resilience of your generator
  • Limits costs of exposure to fuel replacement
  • Avoids costs of disposing of fuel
  • Avoids losing ability to trade
  • Improves the reputation of the company
  • Reduces your carbon footprint
  • Saves money
  • Suitable for marine and generator fuel polishing in industries including, government, healthcare, emergency services, data centres and many more...
  • With a classic and premium range with a wide range of Add-ons, we will help to advise which fuel cleaning system will best suit your requirements and budget. Please browse our product ranges or try out helpful product selector widget.
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WASP Power and Filtration Solutions - supplying fuel polishing systems, filters, additives, pumps, side stream filtration, fuel testing services, generator servicing and oil change systems.

+44(0)1923 606600

North Orbital Commercial Park St Albans, Herts, AL1 1XB, UK