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Housekeeping Fuel Tips

Besides using a fuel polishing system to keep your fuel supply clean of contaminates, there are some general tips which can help to ensure your fuel is in optimum condition and equipment is running to the best standard.

lab testingWASP PFS Ltd are available to discuss any questions or issues you may have regarding fuel polishing and your stored fuel. We can also test your fuel to check for any contaminates and advise how best to treat them. 

While we are experts in the field, but we would also encourage you to discuss any concerns you may have with organisations such as the CONCAWE group. They provide useful documentations about fuel specifications, good fuel housekeeping and the use of fuel filtration equipment, such as fuel polishing systems. The CONCAWE report in relation to fuel and fuel cleaning, can be downloaded and printed from our website.

The 7 Do's and Dont’s of Good Fuel Housekeeping



Ensure regular fuel polishing

Ignore the problem

Test/sample your fuel every few months

Wait until you have an issue

Integrate your BMS (Building Management System) (data is valuable)

Use biocides without taking advice

Audit your fuel supplier

Assume you do not have biodiesel

Ensure your engines are biodiesel ready

Assume your inline filters will cope

Read CONCAWE and similar information

Ignore a fuels' shelf life

Speak to experts in the field

Assume a generator test is a fuel test


Fuel Test Intro to Fuel Polishing Contact Us